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We are a lifestyle magazine serving the people of Lancaster, PA

Gifts That Give

Gifts That Give

Every holiday season, in the pages of our annual Fine Giving feature, we aim to introduce FLL readers to some of the non-profits, local organizations, and community leaders who are working to make our world a better place — here in Lancaster, nationally, and around the globe. This year, we decided to ask a couple of folks to share who they choose to give to — and why they feel passionately about that cause. We hope this will encourage you to join us in giving to the many worthy causes here in Lancaster and beyond, in whatever ways you are able. 


Why I Give: Gifts That Give Hope Alternative Gift Fair

Fifteen years ago, I read an article in our local newspaper featuring an upcoming holiday event — the Gifts That Give Hope Alternative Gift Fair.

A few days later, my then-teenage daughter and I walked around that fair, and—by speaking to the vendors—learned about a number of impactful nonprofits working here in our community and all over the world. We enjoyed the energy of the event, met new people dedicated to changing the world, chatted with fellow fair attendees who were also interested in seeing a shift away from commercialized holidays, and purchased a number of Fair Trade items. We walked out of that original gift fair energized and curious. We took our business cards, pamphlets, catalogs, and other handouts, and we each did more research on the non-profits and community organizations that we had met. We had family discussions about the work these groups were doing. This bonding moment with my daughter and those subsequent family discussions could have only occurred because of our experience that day.

Each year since, the Gifts That Give Hope Alternative Gift Fair continues to grow and adapt, and holds strong in its original concept. In this, their 16th year, they have expanded their retail offerings. Each year, this fair is a place where I meet new friends and hear their stories, and catch up with old ones. I donate to local organizations and I purchase sustainable clothing, jewelry, candles, linens, and more. Just last year, I learned about groups that work to promote literacy and access to mental healthcare, as well as more than 40 other non-profits excited to share their stories. I invest in their work in a friend’s name, and then combined with a trinket or token from the retail section of the event, I walk away with an excellent and thoughtful holiday gift — ready to give.

Throughout the day, you will meet a large number of volunteers, sample local food trucks, enjoy performances by local musicians, watch as children learn through experience on a ‘human rights scavenger hunt’, and so much more. You will also likely meet Jenn Knepper, ever calm and focused leader of Gifts That Give Hope Lancaster. Though Knepper will not admit it, one of the many reasons these dedicated volunteers, non-profits, vendors, musicians, and more come back every year is because of Jenn herself.

Nearly 20 years ago, Knepper read about a gift fair like Gifts That Give Hope that was taking place in Virginia, and she wondered how she could go about starting one here in Lancaster. While many gift fairs popped up all over the country, the pandemic, apathy, and time defeated all of them. The only gift fair left standing is Lancaster’s—run fearlessly by Knepper and her group of dedicated volunteers. Through her humble kindness and dedication, Knepper has shown every single person who visits this annual fair that we have the power to change the world.

I invite you to join me at the 16th annual Gifts That Give Hope Alternative Gift Fair on Sunday, December 10, 2023 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Farm and Home Center (1383 Arcadia Road, ​Lancaster).



By Marian Pontz

Patients R Waiting

Patients R Waiting

Will Kiefer

Will Kiefer